Utilized technologies such as HTML5, CSS (Sass, Flexbox, modules, Bootstrap, plain vanilla), JavaScript, React, Express, MongoDB, Gatsby, etc. This site was built with Gatsby.js and GraphQL.
**Currently working on a website called Sunny Balloons, to further expand my mom's small business. Check back soon for its launch!
A website built for a clinical dietitian/ nutritionist. She is able to maintain a blog (full CRUD functionality) and online presence.
Technologies Used: Gatsby, GraphQL, Contentful, CSS/Sass
An app built to have full CRUD functionality using the 7 RESTful routes. User is able to keep track of his/her skincare products (very useful for skincare junkies!)
Technologies Used: CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Node.js, Mongoose, MongoDB, Express and JSX
An app, built with full CRUD, that keeps track of recipients and the gifts you've ever given to prevent any future gift overlaps. Collaborated with 2 other developers.
Technologies Used: The MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js), CSS/SCSS and Bootstrap
A trivia game that focuses on finding the odd one out. The user must choose the character/item that does not belong to the desired category (music, movies, TV shows).
Technologies Used: HTML, CSS (mainly modals and animations), JavaScript, and jQuery